Saturday 23 June 2018

Session 12 - Into the Pits!

Session 12 - Into the Pits!

Continuing from where we last left off, the party have currently forced the Mord Sith to retreat into the vaults of Morladuhr Bank. Before the party has time to investigate further: Kodiak, who has avoided the battle so far finds and opens the bank vault which holds the item in which the party seek and is met with a Chain Devil, who attacks the party on site.
Beating back the Chain Devil and avoiding the animated chains on the walls, the party soon manages to defeat it and retrieve the item in which they had came for - A small finely crafted chest, which seems unable to be opened by normal means.

The bank teller, finally catching up with re-reinforcements advises the party that the bank is unaware of the contents of the box, however she does know someone who could assist and directs the party to Tibruct, a local magic shop owner here in Morladuhr.

As it is late evening, the party decide to follow up with Vyth and rest for the night before making their way to Tibruct's Tremendous Things in the morning.

Tibruct's Tremendous Things

Tibruct is an elderly goblin man who seems quite friendly and an old friend of Vyth. After the initial confusion of Vyth's new form & gender Tibruct makes quick use of the box and opens with a "Knock" spell, but does advise that the box will deal itself again in approx 10 min and will require similar means to open again. Inside is a golden ring with a dark emerald green gem with a black dragon eye slit.

Identifying the ring Tibruct advises the party that this ring appears to be a Chromatic Ring, he has only heard about them in myths and legends, never seen one before. This ring is seemingly part of a set of 5 and if the party wish, he can do some further research on the ring and try to locate the others of the set through magical means, if the party wish and are happy to leave the ring in his possession - The party agrees.

While browsing the magic goods Tibruct starts on his research and quickly finds to everyone's surprise that there is another ring here in Morladuhr, but it seems to be located in The King's Tomb which only a royal invitation can get the party into and an audience with the king can not be requested by just anyway, only someone of authority or position within Morladuhr can make such a request.

Vyth requests Elrdimore Redshoulder that she make the request on the parties behalf which she agrees to with no issues.

King Figrur Morladuhr agrees in principle with the parties request but has a few conditions before he will let anyone enter the tomb:

The Tomb has been sealed for over 700 years. No one has entered the tomb since it was sealed. Rastuik was a jealous / selfish ruler who was buried with his most prised positions. 
So, if you are to enter the tomb in search for this ring, the condition is that you must find and retrieve for him, the old King's Crown.

Also, not just anyone can enter this tomb as it is said to be cursed and full of traps. So before we will open the Tomb the party must prove their worth in The Pits.

The Pit's

Vyth, knowing of the pits advises the party that this is a battle ring, where warriors can enter 1v1 to prove their worth and for gold prizes. As a condition of entering the Tomb, all must enter.

Entering the arena the party are paired up at random with other individuals who have entered.

 1 - 0
 1 - 0
 1 - 0
 0 - 1

 0 - 1

The party winning the majority of their games, proved themselves to the King who greeted them at the end of the matches and granted the party permission to enter the vaults. A royal guard will be with them in the morning to guide them to the entrance of The Kings Tomb.

-End of Session

In Attendance:

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