Saturday 24 February 2018

Session 9 - The Dragons Lair

Session 9 - The Dragons Lair

Continuing their adventures though the caves. the party find themselves blocked by several boulders which Mee struggles with but eventually manages to move.

Pushing forward further into the cave the party then encounter a couple of basilisk's. Couple of the party members during the fight, not knowing about their unique ability to petrify an enemy and turn them to stone fail and are stoned. After the remaining members of the party manage to kill of the basilisk's remembering past alchemy training mix a cure from the basilisk's blood.

Moving on past the moving stream the party find a old camp with a corpse of a man who looks to have been killed a number of weeks ago. The body is covered in webs and puncture marks. 

Exploring the left over camp the party find:
Plate Armor of Etherealness (legendary, dmg 185)
Spell Scroll (Sleep) (common, dmg 200)
Spell Scroll (Identify) (common, dmg 200)
Potion of Healing (common, dmg 187)
Potion of Healing (common, dmg 187)
Spell Scroll (Alarm) (common, dmg 200)

Upon heading back as the camp has lead to a dead end the party are confronted by a giant spider which seems to come out of nowhere. The party later find out that this was a phase spider which seemed to have been attracted by the Etherealness armor which holds the same abilities.

Continuing pursuit for the source of the poison in the water Jesus decided to investigate by himself by swimming up an underground stream and is confronted with the source of the poison... A Green Dragon which is expelling its poison breath directly into the water supply. Noticing the druid as such close proximity the dragon starts to move towards, but Jesus turns tail and runs back to the party knowing the dragon to be too big to follow through the underground stream.

Relaying his findings back to the party, they decide to rest before pursuing the dragon. However, the dragon did not share the same patience. Bursting through a number of boulders the dragon jumps the party and initiates combat.

After a close encounter where everyone is at their limits, the party extract the dragons poisons to bring back to the clerics to help cure the townsfolk before deciding to take a well deserved rest. Well, all the party except the Barbarian. Mee decides, not needing a short rest that his time would be better served investigating the dragons lair by himself. After a number of near death experiences caused by the dragons residual lair actions, Mee risks it all and jumps into the underground stream and is pulled along with the strong current. Just managing to pull himself to the shore before taking any further damage, Mee passes out from exhaustion. 

-End of Session

In Attendance:

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