Saturday 31 March 2018

Session 10 - Kill the Hag

Session 10 - Kill the Hag

Starting the session back where the party left off, the party search for Mee in the caves, believing his only means of escape would have been the underground stream as the entrance has now been blocked by grasping roots and vines. Eventually finding Mee the party rest up and make their way back to Merora.

Upon returning to Merora the party complete their contract and hand over the vials of collected poison to the clerics to help the city.

Road to Barnsley

Picking up their next quest the party is informed that the local farm town towards Talgory's boarder is in trouble. There is reports of children going missing and attacks from monsters.

Making their way to Barnsley the party encounter another group of old city guards who attack the party. Not expecting as much of a challenge the guards are quickly suppressed and overwhelmed.
Taking advantage of the pre-made camp the party call it a night before continuing to Barnsley in the morning. 

Arriving in the town, the party find the small farm town at battle with a couple of Banderhobb's
Recognising these creatures, the party remember that these creatures are created to serve their creators as a thug, thief and a kidnapper.

Pushing forward in order to find the missing children. The party follow the giant tracks left from the Banderhobb's to a small cabin in the woods where the find the Hag that created them, guarded by a number of hell hounds. After defeating them, the party find the only remaining child from the kidnappings and a hearthstone.

-End of Session

In Attendance:

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