Saturday 29 July 2017

Session 2 - A Familiar Situation

Session 2 - A Familiar Situation 

Escaping from Storm Cave prison, the party make their way to Acton, home town of Alya. Fighting off several guards and wolfs on the way you find your way after a few days travel.

Finding you way to the small northern town, you make your way into the town in the dead of night. Not so subtly stealthing through the town the party draws the attention of one of the patrolling guards. On seeing a guard, adorned in the same uniform as those who held them captive. The barbarian without thinking attacks, killing the guard in one fatal swing. Hiding the body in a barrel in a nearby alleyway. 

The party continue to make their way, following Alya to a nearby tavern (The Thief and Mug Tavern) meeting up with Alya's uncle Zanril. Overwhelmed at to see his niece, Zanril quickly realises that it is not safe for Alya to stay with him as this is the first place the guards will look upon realising her escape. He quickly escorts the party to the nearby temple or Pelor - The Temple of Eternal Light.

The head priest of the temple, Saint Marius the Glorious. The High Sun Keeper of Pelor welcomes the party and Alya into the temple and provides shelter for them. The party spend some time with the priests helping where possible, bathing in their drinking water (BD >.<) and offer to assist in any way they can.

Marius asks the party to assist in a small task, One of his disciples was expecting a delivery of familiars to choose from a local trader Eliat. They sent a messenger "Purfrock" to collect them, but have not heard from him since being sent a few hours ago. "Would you be so kind to follow up and find out what happened to him."

The party make their way to the meetup point and find a rather flustered Purfrock attempting to gather up all the familiars as they have escaped their transport cages and are hiding all over the room.
The party eventually manage to convince / coax the animals back into their cages and escort Purfrock back to the temple with the familiars.

Upon the parties return, they learn of the strange goings on which have befallen the town. People have been going missing every night for the past several days, no one has been able to find out by who and why. The party decide to set up a lookout that night in order to identify what is going on.

On patrol that night another villager is taken, however the party hears the screams and struggle in the distance. Managing to follow the noise it leads them to a crypt in the local graveyard where the party fight several zombies, the gargoyles which have been abducting the villagers and an unknown man channelling a crystal sphere which has been animating the dead.

Stopping the man undone the magic which was keeping the undead animated and seemed to severely weaken the gargoyles which then proved easy work for the party to dispose of. With the threat eliminated the party made their way back to Marius with the crystal and good news.

- End of Session

In Attendance:
BD (first half)

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