Saturday 8 July 2017

Session 1 - Storm Cave Prison Cell

Session 1 - Storm Cave Prison Cell

Each of you have been kidnaped from where ever in the world you have been residing and brought to this holding cell.
You awaken to find yourselves in manacles bound to the walls. You can barely move.

All have been stripped of Armor, weapons and all other possessions. You and everyone around you are in prison rags - You do not recognise anyone in the cell with you.

Introducing yourselves:
Jardie - Jesus, Elf Druid
Emma - Zap, Dragonbord Cleric
Roldec - Vyth, Lizard-folk Gunslinger
Damo - Harry, Human Fighter
BG - Human Barbarian

You hear chains rattling from the opposite corner of the room.
  • Female Voice - "They are not coming yet, keep your voice to yourselves"

Worn down female half elf looking worn down and tired. Looks like she has been here awhile.

She has extremely long, wavy, golden hair and brown eyes.
She has rough, sunburned silver skin.
She stands about 5ft 3 and has a muscular build.
She has an oval, very sightly face.
Introducing herself as Alya.

A short time has passed when a noise is heard in the distance. A guard is coming...
His name was Gregory. Not that any of you asked before ripping his throat out and making your escape.

Making your way through the corridor to the guards office, you found two guards sleeping. Making quick work of the other two guards you find your belongings stored in the chests. Making your way through the guards stairwell up to the mess hall you once again find yourself not alone.  
Two undead stationed as night watch detect your presence and attack in an attempt to stop your escape, which proved no match for the party.

Continuing your exploration for an escape route you found:
  • A mysterious door shrouded in a purple mystical energy which repelled Jesus away on his attempt to open it.
  • The Barracks, awaking several sleeping guards before killing them and setting fire to the bed rolls.
  • The kitchen with a dumping sewer which seemed like your best method of escape.    

Jumping down into the sewers, you found yourself amounts what seemed to be the skeletons and rotting corpses of previous prisoners and a swarm of giant rats. Fighting your way through the swarm you eventually find an exit in sight across a dead drop. Eventually finding some wooden planks under the sewer water the party eventually manages to construct a makeshift bridge to cross to the exit.

-End of session

In Attendance:

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