Saturday 25 November 2017

Session 6 - Into the Keep

Session 6 - Into the Keep

You pick up where you left off, finishing up your shopping and making your way back to the hideout and take your nights rest in preparation for your attack on the keep in the morning.

Being awoken to the resistance's preparations Derwood fills you in on the plan:

"The plan is simple, we are going to co-ordinate our attack on the city guards with your break into the Keep. We will keep the guards busy and make sure we keep as many guards away from the Keep while you get in, find Alya and take out Yennan.

A word of warning, we may be distracting the guards, but Yennan is a necromancer. I fear that the guards are going to be the easy part. The gods only know what he is keeping in that Keep these days.

Alya, will most likely be in one of the towers. Our intel states that they have started her conditioning so time really is of the essence.

If this works, this could be the start of a mutually beneficial relationship.  - Good luck and may fortune shine on us all this day."

You navigate your way through the sewer system, encountering an assassin and a couple of Mud elementals before making your way into the underground of the keep.

Encountering several zombies while navigating your way through the underground of the keep before finding 3 Flaming Skulls protecting a ritual alter with a black sphere, protected by a pentagram of mystical energy. Turning undead your cleric takes two of the skulls out of the fight for a time to focus one of the Skulls down before taking the other two out one at a time. With the Flaming Skulls now out of the way she begins to systematically destroy each point of the pentagram, ultimately destroying the black sphere.

On the spheres destruction, a few members of the party hear from the Keep above a terrifying roar!

Making your way up into the Keep you come face to face with a skeleton of a gargantuan Skeleton Dragon... Battle followed with the dragons demise with the druid summoning and wild shaping into giant constrictor snakes.

Upon defeating the dragon you look out onto the courtyard to the swarm of now dead corpses...  

-End of Session

In Attendance:

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